
From 27 November to 29 November 2022
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Light microscopy, digital microscopy, and other specialised microscopic methods are used to examine the structure and functions of tissues and cells in histology. The course will cover general tissue characteristics as well as the different tissue types in the body, such as epithelial, connective, skeletal, blood/vascular, muscular, and neurological tissues, as well as the various organ systems, such as cardiovascular, lymphatic, integumentary (skin), digestive, respiratory, urinary, endocrine, male and female reproductive, and special senses, histologically and ultra-structurally (eye and ear). While the focus of the course will be on the appearance of normal cells and tissues, functional correlations will be made between abnormal/diseased tissues (e.g., bone osteoporosis, heart myocardial infarctions, neurological diseases, etc.).

Students will be able to:

    1. Demonstrate proficiency and expertise in the proper use of the light microscope in examining histological specimens on glass slides after completing the course.

  1. Be familiar with the fundamentals of tissue fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, staining, and mounting of slides for histological examination, immunofluorescent staining, and electron microscopy.
  2. Recognize, identify, and describe the characteristic structures of cells, tissues, and organ systems of the body using a light microscope, as well as digital microscopy and ultrastructural analysis for selected tissues.
  3. Know and understand the characteristics of body tissues (epithelium, connective, muscle, and nerve) and their relationships in the human body's various organ systems.
  4. Recognize the fundamental functions of cells, cellular organelles, tissues, and organ systems in relation to their histological structures.
  5. Recognize and comprehend the histological characteristics of selected tissues/organ systems as a result of disease processes (e.g., atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, pulmonary pneumonia, etc).

Basic University training in Biological and Medical Sciences